Terms & Conditions
Cancellation policy
If you are unable to make a session, please contact us. We ask you to show consideration and give a minimum of 24 hours’ notice.
Please be aware that it may not always be possible to re-arrange an appointment that week. It is advised to keep to your scheduled sessions so we can ensure you’ll have time with us to work towards your goals.
Cancellations less than 24 hours from planned session time will result in you being charged for that session.
Rolls and Rehab will endeavour to give our clients as much notice as possible should any sessions need to be rescheduled.
If for any reason you are late for your session, it will still have to finish at the scheduled time.
Payment is required in advance for all sessions. Everyone begins with an assessment package so that we can further understand the you as the individual we are working with and tailor a plan to work towards your goals.
We want to make our policy as clear as possible as it can be upsetting when people miss or need to change an appointment, often because of genuine and stressful reasons. We have this policy to protect the livelihoods of our team who do not get paid when an appointment is not kept, as is common in healthcare provision. In addition, it is very difficult to ensure that the time slot can be booked in by someone else on such short notice. Should ill health or misfortune affect your ability to attend we hope you will graciously accept our policy as it helps to ensure that we still exist when you need our help again.